Whilst there are many website companies, design agencies and mailing houses, each at significant cost, we are able to provide many specialist services in one place – meaning that you can get all of your website, design, mailing, logistical, administrative and planning needs in one place – and for one fee. We can tailor packages to your needs and your budget, so please do get in touch so that we can put together a bespoke offering of exactly what you need.
For example, you might want:
- a day per week to look after your website, social media and design needs
- a one-off website, video, flier and publicity materials for a particular campaign you are running
- regular event planning and design of publicity for those events
- a rebranding, redesign of your website, new stationery and publicity materials
- help in setting up and managing a new charity – governing documents, registration, an annual report and trustee communication
We love unusual combinations, so whatever your needs, please do get in touch and see whether we can help you out.